Case Study

Investing in People: A Competency-Based Approach to School Leadership

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Enjoy this case study with with Kristy Lundström, Head of School, Mount Vernon School, and Ann Marsh Rutledge, Executive Director, MV Ventures. There are two ways to consume the interview: by watching the interview or reading the transcript.

Plus, you can access discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • Developing Leadership Competencies: How can we effectively identify and develop the critical leadership competencies needed within our school? What specific competencies are essential for our current and future challenges?

  • Me vs. We Competencies: How can we balance individual leadership development (Me competencies) with team-based growth (We competencies)? How can we ensure our team goals align with personal development plans?

  • Professional Development and Reflective Practice: How can we create a structured professional development plan incorporating reflective practice for our leadership team? What tools or systems should we implement to support ongoing reflection and growth?

  • Future of Work and Competencies: Considering the evolving landscape of education, what future-oriented competencies should we prioritize for our leadership team? How can we ensure that these competencies prepare us for the unknown challenges of the next decade?

  • Rethinking the Business Model: How can we use our leadership competencies to drive innovation and rethink our school's business model? What specific actions can we take to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and ensure the sustainability of our school?

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