Case Study

Aspiring Leaders: Turning Unique Strengths into Leadership Superpowers

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Enjoy this case study with with Denise Musselwhite, CEO & Founder of Tech & Thrive.

There are three ways to consume the interview: by watching the interview, listening to the conversation via our private podcast feed, or reading the transcript.

Plus, you can access discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • How can we, as a leadership team, foster greater self-awareness among aspiring leaders in our school? What tools or processes could we implement to help identify and develop their unique leadership strengths?

  • Denise Musselwhite discusses the challenge of breaking out roles where individuals feel undervalued or typecast. How can we ensure that our school provides opportunities for all staff to grow beyond their current roles and be seen for their full potential?

  • How can we incorporate more “blue sky thinking” into our regular meetings? How can we create a culture where innovative ideas are generated and explored, even if they don’t align with our immediate goals?

  • How do we currently assess leadership potential in our school? What changes could we make to our evaluation systems to ensure they effectively identify and nurture future leaders?

  • Denise Musselwhite emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing unique strengths. How can we better support our staff in identifying and leveraging their unique skills and backgrounds to contribute to the school’s success?

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