🌕 Independent School Moonshot Podcast

Optimizing for Surpluses:
How Indian Creek School Engineered a Financial Turnaround

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Imagine starting as a new head with a board mandate to re-engineer the school's financial model. Then, add a global pandemic to the mix just seven months after starting, and threading the needle becomes increasingly complex.

That's what Booth Kyle faced when he assumed the headship at Indian Creek School in the Summer of 2019.

In this case study, you'll learn how Booth navigated the challenge, achieving the board's mandate to limit losses in year one and then earning surpluses each subsequent year by activating untapped opportunities already on campus.

To me, Indian Creek School's story isn't just one of financial accomplishment but more about creating a culture of success and empowerment, where encouragement to think about things in new and different ways is the norm, not the exception.

I want to thank Booth for his generosity and openness in sharing ICS' journey. It's an inspiring reminder that there may be hidden opportunities on your campus to change the model right now. Maybe this case study will inspire you to look in new places.


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Discussion Prompts

  • Adaptability and Resilience in Educational Leadership: Reflecting on Indian Creek School's transitions and challenges from the pandemic to changing campuses, discuss the importance of adaptability in educational institutions. Can you highlight how your school is demonstrating exceptional resilience?

  • Strategies for Financial Health and Stability: Booth Kyle identified transportation, dining, and the FTE model as financial improvement areas. Are there areas in your school where you can rethink approaches to boost financial health?

  • Mentorship, Leadership, and Staffing Challenges: Explore how mentorship shapes leadership and decision-making. How can leaders compassionately approach difficult staffing decisions, especially in crises, while balancing organizational health and employee well-being?

  • Financial Sustainability and Community Engagement: Beyond tuition, Booth Kyle discussed serving broader communities through facility rentals and partnerships. How can schools diversify revenue while aligning with their mission? Discuss the balance between profitability and community engagement, touching on safety, transparency, and the role of supportive entities like school boards.

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