Case Study

Leading through Strategy with Tom Olverson

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Enjoy this case study with Tom Olverson, author of Leading through Strategy: How Business Principles Can Help Independent Schools Thrive. There are two ways to consume the interview: by watching the interview or reading the transcript.

Plus, you can access five discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • Strategic Reflection: Reflecting on Tom Olverson's insights, identify one strategic initiative our school has undertaken in the past year. How does this initiative align with or diverge from the principles of differentiating our school in the independent school landscape?

  • Innovative Thinking: Considering not just keeping up with the Joneses, discuss a potentially innovative approach or program that could set our school apart. How can we ensure it reflects our unique values and meets the evolving needs of our community?

  • Marketing Lens: Olverson emphasizes the importance of a marketing perspective in school leadership. Discuss how we currently communicate our school's value proposition to prospective families. What changes, if any, could we make to enhance our message?

  • Risk Assessment: Drawing from the idea that strategic risks are necessary for transformation, identify a 'safe' strategy we've been adhering to. How could we reframe this strategy to be more aligned with taking calculated risks for a more significant impact?

  • External Perspectives: Tom Olverson's mentorship experiences underscore the value of external perspectives. Share a moment when an outside viewpoint significantly influenced our strategic direction. How can we more systematically integrate such insights into our planning process?

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