Case Study

Strategic Enrollment:
Leveraging Market Analysis for School Growth

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You can take in the case study with Annie Davis, Chief Product Officer at WeVideo by watching the interview or reading the transcript.

Plus, you have access to five discussion prompts, ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below). 

This is an essential watch for independent school leaders seeking to validate critical business decisions and program opportunities.


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • Understanding Our Market Size: Based on our current understanding of our total addressable market (TAM) and serviceable available market (SAM), what are the key characteristics that define our ideal students and families? How does this insight shift or affirm our current marketing and outreach strategies?

  • Competitive Analysis for Strategic Planning: Considering our direct and indirect competitors, what unique programs or value propositions do they offer? How do we differentiate ourselves, and are there areas where we need to improve or innovate to remain competitive?

  • Leveraging Data for Growth: What types of data and market analysis are we currently utilizing to inform our growth strategies? Are there untapped sources of information or methodologies we should consider to gain deeper insights into potential growth opportunities?

  • Program Offerings and Pricing Strategy: How do our current program offering and pricing strategy align with the needs and abilities of our market? Is there evidence to suggest reevaluating our pricing model or introducing new programs that could tap into previously unaddressed segments of our market?

  • Brand Identity and Value Proposition: Reflecting on our school's brand identity and value proposition, how well do we communicate our core values and differentiators to our prospective families? Can we make changes or enhancements in our messaging to attract families that align with our school's mission and community?

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