Case Study

Navigating Independent School Competition: A Deep Dive with Niche's Angela Brown

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Enjoy this case study with Angela Brown, Niche. There are two ways to consume the interview: by watching the interview or reading the transcript.

Plus, you can access five discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • Evolving Competition and Parental Choice: In light of Angela Brown's insights on the complexity of competition facing independent schools, not just among themselves but also with public, charter, online, and homeschooling options, discuss how your school currently evaluates its competitive landscape. How can the school broaden its understanding and response to these competitive pressures?

  • Differentiation Beyond Facilities and Traditional Metrics: Considering the conversation around the limited uniqueness of features such as facilities and academic programs among schools, reflect on what truly differentiates your school from both other independent schools and alternative education options. How can your school better communicate and leverage these unique qualities?

  • Value Alignment and Branding: Angela emphasized the importance of aligning with and articulating the school's values beyond listing them on the website or in marketing materials. Discuss how your school currently communicates its values to prospective and current families. Are there new ways to embed these values into positioning the school to prospective families?

  • Digital Presence and Parental Search Behavior: Digital platforms play a significant role in the school selection process. Evaluate your school's current digital footprint, including the website, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media presence. How can the school effectively enhance its online visibility and appeal to reflect its unique value proposition?

  • Engagement with Broader Community: Reflecting on Angela Brown's suggestion to open doors to the community and provide non-enrollment-driven opportunities for engagement, consider what community outreach or service programs your school could introduce or expand. How could these initiatives serve the mission and attract prospective families by showcasing the school's values and strengths?

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