🌕 Independent School Moonshot Podcast

Entrepreneurial Strategy:
Driving Growth at Seattle Academy

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Enjoy this case study with Rob Phillips, Head of School, Seattle Academy. There are two ways to consume the interview: by watching the interview or reading the transcript.

Plus, you can access five discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).


Click here to access a view-only copy of the transcript. Select File > Make a copy to save the transcript to your laptop or Google Drive.

Discussion Prompts

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset in School Leadership: How can we integrate an entrepreneurial mindset into our school's leadership practices? Discuss examples where an entrepreneurial approach could solve current challenges at our school.

  • Growth and Development Strategies: Rob Phillips discussed significant growth at Seattle Academy by embracing the local community and economic opportunities. What similar opportunities exist in our community, and how can we leverage them for our school's growth?

  • Educational Philosophy and Support Diverse Learning Styles: Seattle Academy recognizes and fosters each student's unique talents and interests. How well does our school cater to diverse learner profiles, and what strategies can we implement to improve?

  • Expansion of School Programs: Considering the range of interests among our students, which new programs could we consider introducing? How can we ensure these programs are inclusive and beneficial for all learners?

  • Community Engagement and Public Role: Rob Phillips highlighted the importance of schools engaging with their communities through public events and discussions. What role does our school play in our community, and how could we enhance our involvement to benefit the school and the wider community?

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