Case Study

Winning Recruitment Strategies for a Competitive Independent School Market

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Enjoy this case study with J.P. Watson, The Gowan Group.

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Plus, you can access discussion prompts ideal for team meetings and professional development sessions (see below).

Discussion Prompts

  • Mindset Shift: How can our school balance the gatherer mindset with a more proactive approach to ensure a more effective enrollment strategy? What specific actions can we take to begin this shift?

  • Institutional Alignment: How can we fully align our strategic planning, enrollment management, and community outreach efforts? What steps can we take to improve alignment if necessary?

  • Community Engagement: How can we deepen our relationships with current families, alumni, and local organizations to enhance our recruitment efforts? What new partnerships could we explore?

  • Data-Driven Recruitment: How are we currently using data to inform our recruitment strategies? What additional data or tools like NAIS Market View could we leverage to target potential families effectively?

  • Leadership Development: How can we encourage and support the development of enrollment and marketing competencies among our aspiring leaders? What training or resources could we provide to help them succeed in these areas?

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