Moonshot Lab

Moonshot Lab:

Where Bold Ideas Take Flight

A community where independent school leaders acquire skills, experiment, and collaborate to reimagine the independent school business model.

With 90% of school heads concerned about sustainability, the traditional independent school business model is under significant pressure. Now, more than ever, leaders and aspiring leaders need robust business and entrepreneurial skills to navigate these challenges.

Enter Moonshot Lab: a platform tailored to the unique needs of independent schools. Founded by Peter Baron, longtime independent school champion, our collaborative community empowers individuals and teams to experiment, iterate, and reimagine the business model while honing essential business and entrepreneurial competencies.

Are you feeling the pinch of

the independent school business model?

Welcome to the Moonshot Lab, where independent school leaders come together to learn, experiment, grow, and develop crucial business and entrepreneurial skills.

For aspiring leaders, our Individual Membership provides tailored support. For schools seeking to enroll multiple team members, we offer three School-Based Membership options.

Either way you're opening doors to gain invaluable knowledge and competency development to iterate the school business model.

Each month, you'll have the opportunity to connect with industry leaders who provide direct coaching to help you grow as a leader and change maker, positively impacting your school community.

You'll learn and experiment with experts in various fields, gaining insights and strategies directly applicable to the unique challenges of running an independent school.

You'll have full access to our comprehensive library of resources and workshops. This includes our on-demand resources and live, cohort-based workshops without additional cost.

Our professional learning methodology is designed to be immediately relevant and deeply impactful, ensuring that what you learn today can be applied tomorrow.

But the heart of Moonshot Lab is more than just professional development (PD); it's the people.

Here, solving problems is a collective endeavor, far more powerful than facing challenges alone.

Our members experiment, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and transform the challenges of the independent school business model into moonshot moments.

At Moonshot Lab, you'll come for the PD but stay for the community.

Take a tour of Moonshot Lab!

Learn why you’ll love being part of Moonshot Lab!

Explore nine membership benefits at a glance.

A Collaborative Learning Community

Share ideas, learn from peers, and develop innovative strategies for long-term financial sustainability.

Expert Lab Sessions

Interactive coaching with industry leaders. Challenge concepts, gain insights, and tailor-make wisdom for your journey.

Innovation Sprints

Tackle school tough challenges head-on. Sprint for 1-2 months, create tailored solutions and emerge with ready-to-use prototypes

Monthly Group Coaching

Bring your challenges and get tailored advice. Collaborate, strategize, and innovate with MoonshotOS founder Peter Baron.

Swipe Files

Access a library of expert-crafted templates, worksheets, and guides for school success. Streamline operations, sharpen strategy, and achieve more.

On-Demand and Cohort-Based Workshops

Gain unlimited access to our workshop library, encompassing current and future on-demand and cohort-based formats.

Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice

A 1:1 consulting experience to dissect and fine-tune your concepts, providing deep insights and practical advice.

Mastermind Groups

Leaders explore emerging opportunities, share insights, and collaboratively navigate challenges, fostering mutual growth in a safe and supportive environment.

A Masterclass for Aspiring Leaders Like You!

In all our conversations with heads of schools, we heard repeatedly about the steep learning curve they faced in understanding the business side of running a successful school.

This series aims to start flattening that curve.

Featuring eight expert-led sessions, each aligns with MoonshotOS’ business competencies:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Strategy & Change Management

  • Adaptability & Continuous Learning

  • Culture & People

  • Financial Acumen

  • Operations

  • Advancement & Enrollment Management

  • Marketing Strategy

Featuring a series of expert-led sessions, these sessions aren’t just theoretical; they’re crafted to give you practical strategies you can implement immediately.

And most importantly, each builds in time for coaching, so bring your questions and scenarios! It’s an excellent opportunity to receive high-level coaching!

If you want to be a head of school or are relatively new to the role, this series is for you!

Meet the Masterclass Facilitators!

Can't make every session and event in Moonshot Lab? No problem!

We record, summarize, and develop key takeaways for every session. Plus, we publish every recording to a member-only podcast so you can learn on the go!

The Eight Essential Business Competencies Powering Moonshot Lab

As the pressures on the independent school business model compound each year — from stressed hiring and staffing models to increasingly competitive markets — the urgency of developing business and entrepreneurial skills becomes paramount.

These challenges drove us to develop the eight essential competencies below, equipping independent school leaders with the skills to advance their careers and magnify their impact within their institutions.

These competencies form the foundation of every aspect of Moonshot Lab programming, from Expert Lab Coaching Sessions to practical tip sheets and templated resources.

Our programs are not just about refining skills in strategic thinking, people management, and operational efficiency. They are about immediate, tangible improvements in schools.

By engaging with our programs, leaders gain the tools to implement these improvements, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of running an independent school.

See the Moonshot Lab competencies below! 👇

Enhanced Business Acumen

Identifies opportunities and launches impactful programs.

Strategy & Change


Skilled at crafting strategy and leading change with agility.

Culture and People

Inspires and develops culture and talent through empathy and leadership.

Adaptability & Continuous Learning

Champions adaptability and lifelong learning, expanding skills and networks.

Financial Acumen & Data Informed Decision Making

Makes strategic, data-informed decisions, understanding business essentials.


Ensures the school and its ecosystem operate efficiently, aligning with the mission.

Advancement & Enrollment Management

Expert in advancement and enrollment strategies, driving school revenue.


Masters marketing principles, optimizing engagement and retention.

🚀 Did you know you can join Moonshot Lab as an individual or as a school? We designed our individual membership for aspiring leaders!

Learn from Leading Experts!
Expert Lab Sessions

Imagine sitting down with an expert in your field, not just to listen but to engage, question, and get into the essential details on topics that matter to you.

It's interactive, insightful, and like having a personal coaching session with someone who's been there and done that.

And here's the kicker: these sessions come with your membership. No extra fees, no hidden costs.

Every session is recorded and available on-demand, so you never miss an opportunity to learn.

Choose how you want to engage—watch the video or listen through our private podcast feed. Each session comes complete with a concise summary, key takeaways, and recommended next steps.

Discover Our Expert Lab Coaching Sessions: A Showcase of Past and Future Learning Opportunities

Tom Olverson, Author, Leading Through Strategy

Introduction to SWOT Analysis

With Tom Olverson, Author, Leading Through Strategy

Susanne Carpenter, Carpenter Leadership Consulting

Fostering an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Your Team

With Susanne Carpenter, Carpenter Leadership Consulting

Christine Ostrowski, CFO and Consultant

An Introduction to Optimizing School Budget Program Resources

With Christine Ostrowski, CFO and Consultant

Stephanie Wilkinson and Tim Fish, NAIS

Harnessing NAIS’ Market View for Market Analysis

With Stephanie Wilkinson and Tim Fish, NAIS

Brett Jacobsen, President, Southern Association of Independent School (SAIS)

Catalyzing Change: Initial Steps to School Business Model Innovation

With Brett Jacobsen, President, Southern Association of Independent School (SAIS)

Joe Radwich, Isurus Market Research and Consulting

Market Analysis: Understanding Your Competitive Landscape

With Joe Radwich, Isurus Market Research and Consulting

Expert Lab Session Preview:
Discover Two Key Reasons Independent Schools Need a SWOT Analysis from Tom Olverson!

Keep scrolling (⬇️) to learn more about all of the benefits of Moonshot Lab!

The Moonshot Lab Membership Promise!

Enroll as an individual or a school in your chosen membership level and enjoy a top-notch experience with full access to all services in your tier, free from any unexpected programming costs.

One membership fee

All inclusive programming

No additional charges

Moonshot Lab Spotlight:
Innovation Sprints!

Explore the Innovation Sprints at Moonshot Lab, a unique member benefit that addresses the most pressing independent school challenges

Led by noted experts, these 1-2 month sprints offer a hands-on approach to learning and actively developing solutions specifically for issues schools face.

Here's how it works:

  • Focused Topics: Each sprint addresses a pressing challenge schools face today, like faculty/staff hiring and retention (more on that below!).

  • Duration and Community Engagement: Sprints last 4-8 weeks, during which we collectively tackle a challenge or opportunity as a community.

  • Expert-Led Sessions: A top expert in the field leads the sprint, bringing valuable insights, coaching, and strategies.

  • No Additional Consultant Fees for Your School: When your school participates in an Innovation Sprint with Moonshot Lab, don't worry about consultant fees – we've got them covered. We take care of it so that you can focus on learning and growth.

  • Collaborative Problem Solving: You'll collaborate with peers to develop practical solutions.

  • Sprint Available On-demand: Can't make a sprint? We have you covered. All sprint sessions are recorded (made available to watch or listen via our member-only podcast feed). Plus, we provide summaries, key takeaways, and recommended next steps.

Sprint One:
Creating a Talent Development Model

Every school leader knows the struggle: recruiting and retaining top-notch staff is a significant challenge. That's why our upcoming sprint is a game-changer.

Seize the opportunity to collaborate with Julie Faulstich from Stony Creek Strategy in crafting an innovative talent development prototype, aimed at retaining your valuable staff while also effectively appealing to millennial candidates!

Every school leader knows the struggle: recruiting and retaining top-notch staff is a significant challenge. That's why our upcoming sprint is a game-changer.

Seize the opportunity to collaborate with Julie Faulstich from Stony Creek Strategies in crafting an innovative talent development prototype, aimed at retaining your valuable staff while also effectively appealing to millennial candidates!

Keep scrolling (⬇️) to learn more about all of the benefits of Moonshot Lab!

Moonshot Lab Spotlight: Swipe Files!

Unlock Your Essential Toolkit: Business & Entrepreneurial Swipe Files for Independent School Leaders Like You!

Access an ever-expanding library of templates, worksheets, guides, and more, specifically designed and curated to address your challenges, ignite your creativity, and empower your leadership journey and school.

Whether you need inspiration or practical solutions, Moonshot Lab’s Swipe Files equip you with the tools to succeed.

Discover your comprehensive toolkit tailored for independent school leaders like you and drive sustainable success in your school community.

Explore some of our SWIPE File resources:

Competitor Analysis Worksheet for Independent Schools

Competitor Analysis Worksheet for Independent Schools

A practical guide and worksheet designed to help independent schools systematically evaluate their competitors.

Auxiliary Revenue as a Living Endowment

Auxiliary Revenue as a Living Endowment

A detailed tip sheet outlining strategies for effectively developing and leveraging auxiliary programs to provide a steady, sustainable source of income that supports financial stability.

SWOT Analysis Guide for Independent Schools

SWOT Analysis Guide for Independent Schools

A comprehensive guide to SWOT analysis to help you identify and assess your school’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, aiding in strategy and decision-making.

Strategies for Collecting Employee Feedback Effectively

Strategies for Collecting Employee Feedback Effectively

A guide that provides actionable recommendations to help schools gather valuable employee insights, enhancing workplace engagement and support.

Keep scrolling (⬇️) to learn more about all of the benefits of Moonshot Lab!

Nine Reasons to Join Moonshot Lab!

1. Enhanced Business Acumen

Gain deep insights into practical business strategies specifically tailored to the unique needs of independent schools.

2. Entrepreneurial Skill Development

Develop critical entrepreneurial skills to navigate the business model and drive school growth.

3. Collaborative Learning Environment

Join a community of like-minded school leaders, fostering an environment of shared learning and mutual support.

4. Access to Expert Resources

Benefit from a comprehensive library of resources and workshops, including live, expert-led sessions and on-demand materials.

5. Immediate, Practical Application

Learn methodologies and strategies that can be immediately implemented, ensuring that new knowledge directly impacts your school.

6. Networking Opportunities

Connect with a diverse network of educators and leaders, offering opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and professional growth.

7. Innovative Problem-Solving

Engage in innovation sprints and collaborative projects that tackle the pressing challenges facing independent schools today.

8. Tailored Professional Development

Experience professional development specifically designed for the complexities and challenges of running an independent school.

9. Community-Driven Growth

Participate in a community where collective wisdom and experiences lead to transformative growth and innovation in the independent school business model.

Moonshot Lab Spotlight:
On-demand and Cohort-Based Workshops

Gain full access to Moonshot Lab's workshop catalog as part of your membership. We'll never charge you or your team extra to participate in a workshop.

Collaborate and grow with peers in on-demand and real-time learning environments designed for immediate impact in your school.

New Workshop!

Exclusive Online Access for Moonshot Lab Members

Our popular in-person workshop, Strategic Decision-Making: A Business Case Framework for Independent Schools, is now exclusively available online for Moonshot Lab members.

We designed the workshop to empower aspiring leaders and school heads to validate ideas for new programs or projects, ensuring they warrant the investment of your school's resources—including finances, time, personnel, budget, facilities, and maintenance—before committing.

Let's face it: time and money are tight in independent schools; this workshop helps you know where to invest.

After completing this course, you will have:

  • Learned to analyze and evaluate new program ideas and initiatives using a powerful validation tool.

  • Developed practical strategies for weighing options and making choices that align with your school's mission.

  • Engaged with a school case study to apply the framework and tackle complex decisions head-on.

  • Enhanced your ability to handle the business side of independent schools with a fresh perspective.

  • Participated in an online workshop designed to fit your busy schedule.

Additional workshops for members include:


Disruption Through Partnership:

How Brewster Academy's Board and School Leadership Launched a Global Network

Uncover the transformational journey of Brewster Academy as Craig Gemmell, Kristy Kerin, and Roy Ballentine detail their strategic collaboration that propelled the school onto the global stage.


Leaving the Traditional Business Model Behind: Mount Vernon's Mission-Driven Expansion

Learn from Mount Vernon's groundbreaking shift from traditional educational models to a mission-driven, innovative approach. Discover how to harness entrepreneurial spirit, leverage strategic partnerships, and create impactful, sustainable growth in your school.


Cohort-Based Workshop: The Art of the Productive Meeting

Learn a proven meeting framework across engaging live sessions designed to elevate productivity and foster a culture of impactful communication.

You will gain the tools to transform every meeting into an opportunity for progress and team building.

Keep scrolling (⬇️) to learn about our membership options!

Schedule a call!

Four Membership Levels!

Moonshot Lab offers four membership levels:

Moonshot Lab offers four membership levels for independent schools:

1️⃣ Individual

2️⃣ Standard

3️⃣ VIP

4️⃣ VIP+Advising

1️⃣ Individual Membership

Designed for aspiring leaders. Individual Membership includes access to all of these benefits.

On-Demand and Cohort-Based Courses

Learn about our 30-minute onboarding and advising session with Peter Baron of MoonshotOS.

On-Demand and Cohort-Based Courses

Personalized Start: Thirty-Minute Onboarding and Advising Session

Personalized Start: One-Hour Onboarding and Advising Session

Kickstart your Moonshot Lab journey with a 30-minute onboarding call.

This session is a perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with all the Lab offers, outline your learning objectives, and discuss any business model concepts you're considering.

Think of it as a tailored advising call – setting the stage for your transformative journey with Moonshot Lab. This call is reserved for your school's primary contact.

Collaborative Community

A Collaborative Learning Community: Reimagining the Business Model, Together

You're not just a participant; you're a co-creator in a community of school professionals committed to reimagining the independent school business model.

Share ideas, learn from the successes and challenges of peers, and develop innovative strategies tailored to achieve long-term financial sustainability.

Expert Lab Sessions

Expert Lab Sessions

Dive headfirst into our Expert Lab Sessions, where the doors to knowledge are flung wide open. Here at Moonshot Lab, you're not just listening to experts; you're engaging with them in coaching sessions, unpacking the topics that matter most to you.

Bring your questions, challenge concepts, and soak in the experts' insights. It's more than learning; it's interactive wisdom in action, tailor-made for trailblazers like you.

Innovation Sprint

Innovation Sprints: Tackle Today's Toughest School Challenges

Dive headfirst into our Innovation Sprints, where expert guidance meets your school's pressing needs.

In these 1-2 month sprints, you'll not just learn, but actively create solutions tailored to issues facing schools.

End the sprint with a prototype in hand, ready to ease your school's biggest pressures and propel growth.

Monthly Group Coaching

Monthly Group Coaching

Each month, bring your biggest challenges and questions to our expert-led sessions.

Here, you'll gain tailored advice and actionable strategies in a dynamic, collaborative environment.

It's not just a call; it's your school's monthly catalyst for growth and innovation.

Swipe File

Swipe Files!

Unlock the power of swipe files, your go-to resource for expertly crafted templates, worksheets, and guides designed to teach new skills and elevate your school’s success.

With exclusive access, you’ll streamline operations, sharpen strategy, and achieve outstanding results.

On-Demand and Cohort-Based Courses

On-Demand and Cohort-Based Workshops: Unlimited Access!

Gain unlimited access to our workshop library, encompassing current and future on-demand and cohort-based formats. Each workshop is meticulously crafted to cultivate and help you develop business and entrepreneurial acumen.

Workshops include:

  • The Art of the Productive Meeting

  • Disruption Through Partnership: How Brewster Academy's Board and School Leadership Launched a Global Network

  • Creating a Talent Development Model for Faculty Hiring and Retention

Hot Seat

Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice

Step into the spotlight in our 30-minute Hot Seat sessions, where your business ideas take center stage.

In this 1:1 consulting experience, we'll dissect and fine-tune your concepts, providing deep insights and practical advice. Each member school will get one hot-seat per year.

Mastermind Groups

Mastermind Groups

Join our Mastermind Groups at Moonshot Lab, where leaders find a trusted circle to explore and discuss emerging opportunities.

In this safe and supportive environment, share insights, seek advice, and collaboratively navigate challenges.

It's a space designed for mutual growth, where every voice matters and every idea can spark change.

2️⃣ Standard Membership

Membership includes access for your entire team.

One price for your entire school!

  • Includes All Benefits of the Individual Membership


  • Upgrade to Standard Membership and provide access for everyone on your team!

  • With our Standard school-based plan, every member of your team gains full access to Moonshot Lab and all its resources: Expert Lab Session coaching, Innovation Sprints, Swipe File resources, Masterminds, Workshops, and a Collaborative Community.

3️⃣ VIP Membership

Step up to the VIP Membership and schedule our Business Model Retreat.

  • Includes access to all benefits of the Standard Membership level.


Business Model Retreat

This retreat centers on a strategic process designed for your school to challenge and refine your business model. Throughout the day, your leadership team and/or board will participate in dynamic, facilitated sessions that are crafted to:

  • Examine your current operational framework to identify strengths and weaknesses.

  • Work collaboratively to pinpoint and prioritize potential areas for growth and innovation

  • Discover and develop new strategies that enhance your school's effectiveness and align with your long-term goals.

Leadership Team Advising Calls to Support Business Model Innovation

  • Personalized Leadership Team Advising: Receive up to six (6) personalized advising calls for your leadership team.

  • Business Model Strategy: Focus each session on reimagining the business model and strategic execution.

4️⃣ VIP+Advising Membership

Step up to the VIP+Advising Membership. Our top level membership for the independent school seeking the most impact.

  • Includes access to all benefits of the Standard and VIP Membership levels.


  • 12 Monthly Advising Calls for your Head of School with Peter Baron, Founder, MoonshotOS: Twelve (12) private one-on-one monthly calls with the head of school for personalized business model guidance.

  • Comprehensive Leadership Support for the Head of School: Tailored advice and strategies to enhance business model-related decisions and work with your board.

  • Direct Access to Expertise: Regular opportunities to discuss challenges and opportunities.

  • Focused on School-Specific Goals: Each session is customized to address your school's unique needs and objectives.

Choose Your Membership!


  • Individual Access to Moonshot Lab

  • Thirty-Minute Onboarding Session

  • Participate in a collaborative community to innovate the business model.

  • Expert Lab Sessions
    (Get coached by industry leaders!)

  • Innovation Sprints

  • Swipe Files

  • Monthly Group Coaching

  • Unlimited Access to On-demand and Cohort-based Workshops

  • Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice
    (30 minutes; 1x per year per school)

  • Mastermind Groups

  • Up to six (6) Leadership Team Follow-up Calls

  • Business Model Audit Workshop

  • Access for Your Entire Team

  • Business Model Retreat

  • Up to 6 Leadership Team Follow-up Calls

  • Monthly Advisory Calls for Head of School


per year


  • Access for You and Your Entire Team

  • Thirty-Minute Onboarding Session

  • Participate in a collaborative community to innovate the business model.

  • Expert Lab Sessions
    (Get coached by industry leaders!)

  • Innovation Sprints

  • Swipe Files

  • Monthly Group Coaching

  • Unlimited Access to On-demand and Cohort-based Workshops

  • Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice
    (30 minutes; 1x per year per school)

  • Mastermind Groups

  • Business Model Audit Framework

  • Up to 6 Leadership Team Follow-up Calls

  • Monthly Advisory Calls for Head of School



per year


  • Access for You and Your Entire Team

  • Thirty-Minute Onboarding Session

  • Participate in a collaborative community to innovate the business model.

  • Expert Lab Sessions
    (Get coached by industry leaders!)

  • Innovation Sprints

  • Swipe Files

  • Monthly Group Coaching

  • Unlimited Access to On-demand and Cohort-based Workshops

  • Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice
    (30 minutes; 1x per year per school)

  • Mastermind Groups

  • Business Model Audit Retreat

  • Up to six (6) Leadership Team Follow-up Calls

  • Monthly Advisory Calls for Head of School


per year


  • Access for You and Your Entire Team

  • Thirty-Minute Onboarding Session

  • Participate in a collaborative community to innovate the business model.

  • Expert Lab Sessions
    (Get coached by industry leaders!)

  • Innovation Sprints

  • Swipe Files

  • Monthly Group Coaching

  • Unlimited Access to On-demand and Cohort-based Workshops

  • Hot Seat! 1:1 Consulting Advice
    (30 minutes; 1x per year per school)

  • Mastermind Groups

  • Business Model Audit Retreat

  • Up to six (6) Leadership Team Follow-up Calls

  • Monthly Advisory Calls for Head of School


per year

Moonshot Lab FAQS

What is Moonshot Lab?

Moonshot Lab is a collaborative community for independent school leaders, offering business and entrepreneurial training to reimagine and strengthen the school business model.

Who should join Moonshot Lab?

School heads, administrators, and leadership teams from independent schools who are looking to enhance their business skills, tackle sustainability challenges, and improve staff hiring and retention.

What makes Moonshot Lab different?

Moonshot Lab combines comprehensive business training with a collaborative community approach. Members can share ideas, learn from peers, and develop innovative strategies for long-term financial sustainability.

What are the different membership levels in Moonshot Lab?

We offer four tiers: Individual, Standard, VIP, and VIP+Advising. Each tier includes increasing levels of access and personalized support.

 What type of training and resources does Moonshot Lab offer?

Members can access on-demand and cohort-based courses, monthly group coaching, Expert Lab Sessions, Mastermind Groups, and personalized leadership advising, depending on the tier.

How does the Business Model Retreat work?

The Business Model Retreat is a one-day retreat that brings together your leadership and board members to delve deep into your business strategy. It is tailored to strategically assess and enhance your business model, pinpointing challenges and uncovering opportunities for meaningful innovation.

It's available to schools who sign up for the VIP or VIP+Advising tiers.

All travel-related costs are billed separately from your membership fee.

Will Moonshot Lab conduct a business model audit of our school?

Yes, we can audit your business model as a separate consultation. We recommend scheduling a discovery call with us to understand your school's unique situation and allow us to assess how we can best assist you in auditing and optimizing your school's business model.

How can I learn more Moonshot Lab before committing to a membership?

We offer the opportunity to book a 30-minute Zoom call to learn more about Moonshot Lab and see if it aligns with your individual or school's needs.

Call 877-842-2820



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