
Strategic Decision-Making:
A Business Case Framework for Independent Schools

Strategic Decision-Making:

A Business Case Framework for Independent Schools

Choose a workshop location near you!

Oakwood School
Washington D.C. (Area)
April 17, 2024

Friends School of Baltimore
Baltimore, MD
April 18 2024

Learn a framework to strengthen business decisions for your school!

We've all been there—an idea emerges in a meeting, but you're unsure if it's worth pursuing. Maybe it's a program to boost enrollment, but questions arise about its viability. This hands-on workshop will help.

The workshop focuses on learning a business case framework to meticulously evaluate new school initiatives through comprehensive due diligence.

This workshop will empower you to validate ideas for new programs or projects, ensuring they warrant the investment of your school's resources — including finances, time, personnel, budget, facilities, and maintenance — before making a commitment.

Think of it as a blueprint that guides you through assessing the viability of a new idea, project, or venture before committing significant resources to it.

All school leaders across all departments are invited and encouraged to attend.

The Program Outline

You'll learn a solid, repeatable framework to drive smarter decisions and growth in your school. Here's how the day works:

  • Part 1: Engage with a Business Case Framework

    Start by delving into a business case framework, using it as a tool to dissect, understand, and validate business initiatives or projects.

  • Part 2: Interactive Problem-Solving

    Participate in group work where you will work alongside peers, tackling a real-life case study and learning how to apply this framework.

  • Part 3: Build Repeatable Strategies

    Walk away from the training with a repeatable framework to make informed, impactful decisions for your school’s future.


  • 9:30 - 10:00 AM: Registration

  • 10:00-10:15 AM: Welcome & Introductions

  • 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM: Introducing the Business Case Framework (Presentation)

  • 11:00 AM - Noon: Group Work

  • Noon - 12:45 PM: Lunch

  • 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM: Complete Group Work

  • 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM: Group Debrief

  • 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Wrap Up

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Business Case Framework Mastery: Dive deep into a business case framework for making business decisions for your school. You'll learn to use this concept effectively to analyze and evaluate new ideas. It's about turning seemingly complex opportunities into manageable action plans.

  • Half-Day of Practical Application: Experience a focused, 4 1/2-hour hands-on training session. This isn’t just theory — it’s a workshop where you’ll actively apply the framework to a case study. By the end, you’ll have a versatile tool in your toolkit that you can use long after the event to make informed decisions and drive your school’s success.

  • Sharper Decision-Making: Learn how to tackle tough decisions head-on. You'll focus on practical strategies to weigh options and make choices that align with your school's mission.

  • Confidence in Business Challenges: This workshop will boost your confidence in handling the business side of independent schools. You will walk away equipped to evaluate financial and operational opportunities with a new perspective.

Meet Your Instructor

Peter Baron
Founder, MoonshotOS

Peter Baron is a dedicated and seasoned advocate for independent schools. His journey began with a personal transformational experience as a boarding student, which profoundly shaped his future, setting him on a path of over 20 years of service to schools.

Peter served as the Chief Member Relations Officer for the Enrollment Management Association, directing EMA's marketing and communications, member recruitment and retention, outreach functions,  leadership training programs, research, and other related strategic initiatives.

With a career in association management, product development, sales, relationship development, marketing, entrepreneurship, and hosting more than 300 podcasts focused on leadership and independent school growth, Peter's success has been built on listening to schools' and families' needs — rooted in a deep commitment to the transformational experience that independent schools can have for students.

Peter has been recognized throughout his career for his strategic, compassionate, proactive, analytical, and highly collaborative approach. He has showcased his expertise at various conferences, from NAIS to EMA and numerous state and regional associations.

Sign up for a workshop near you!

Washington D.C. (Area)

April 17, 2024

Oakwood School

$277 per person

Baltimore, MD

April 18, 2024

Friends School of Baltimore

$277 per person

Event managed in partnership with:

Lead Team Partners


Who is this workshop for?

This is for school leaders. If you're a decision-maker in an independent school – think heads of schools, directors, administrative leaders – and you’re looking to sharpen your business skills, this workshop is tailor-made for you.

What will I learn?

You’ll learn how to use the Business Case Canvas – a practical, straightforward tool for dissecting and solving your school's toughest challenges. We’re talking real-world application here, with skills that you can put to use right away.

Is this just another lecture-style event?

Absolutely not. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop. You’ll be actively working in groups, engaging in real case studies, and applying what you learn as you go. No snooze-fest lectures here.

How long is the workshop?

It’s a half-day event, starting at 10:00 am and ending at 2:30 pm. We respect your time – it’s focused, no filler. We pack a lot in, so be prepared for an intensive, engaging session.

What should I bring to the workshop?

Bring an open mind, a willingness to learn, and your laptop or tablet. We’ll provide the rest – materials, frameworks, and a case study to work through.

Will lunch be provided?

Yes! Lunch is included in your registration fee.

Can my whole leadership team attend?

Yes! The more minds, the better. This workshop is designed to benefit entire leadership teams, fostering a unified approach to decision-making.

What is the cancelation policy?

If you need to cancel, you will receive a full refund as long as you do so at least ten days before the workshop's start date. Alternatively, if your plans change, you can transfer your registration to a colleague at your school anytime.

Call 877-842-2820



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